AOSP 기본세팅

AOSP 2015. 3. 4. 15:24

At least 50GB of free disk space for a checkout, 100GB for a single build, and 150GB or more for multiple builds. If you employ ccache, you will need even more space.

-> 맘편히 150기가로 하자

Python 2.6 -- 2.7, which you can download from

-> 리눅스는 기본내장.(14.04)

GNU Make 3.81 -- 3.82, which you can download from,

->리눅스는 기본내장.(14.04)

JDK 7 to build the master branch of Android in the Android Open Source Project (AOSP); JDK 6 to build Gingerbread through KitKat; JDK 5 for Cupcake through Froyo. See Initializing a Build Environment for installation instructions by operating system.

-> openjdk로 하지 않으면 추후에 다시 깔아야 함... 빌드가 안됌

Git 1.7 or newer. You can find it at

-> 리눅스는 기본내장.(14.04)

repo tool

-> sudo apt-get install phablet-tools 명령어로 설치하자

Setting E-Mail

-> git config --global ""

git config --global "your name"

Install SDK

-> 에서 최신버전의 sdk 다운로드.

압축 해제하고 android-sdk-linux/tools 폴더로 가서 ./android 명령어로 sdk 매니저를 실행시켜주자.

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Posted by 튼튼한노예